Step Into Another Story: Books On Bridging Culture

While hearing stories in person is always the best way to understand the perspective of those around you, sometimes reading the written accounts of others can be an additional eye-opening experience. Many immigrants, refugees, and cross-cultural sojourners have published accounts of their own unique perspective and journey.

As people striving to live out of radical compassion and hospitality, we have found these accounts invaluable in better understanding our local international communities and more humbly being Jesus’ hands and feet.

Listed below are some of our team’s favorite stories of people who have crossed challenging bridges physically, culturally, spiritually. Pick one up for yourself to see how a brief journey in another’s shoes may lead you to serve.


The Story of My Life: An Afghan Girl on the Other Side of the Sky

By Farah Ahmedi, with Tamim Ansary: Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2005


Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting in Around the World

By Duane Elmer: InterVarsity Press, 2002


Foreign to Familiar: A Guide to Understanding Hot-and Cold-Climate Cultures

By Sarah A. Lanier: McDougal Publishing, 2010


Lost Boy No More: A True Story Of Survival And Salvation

By Abraham Nhial, DiAnn Mills: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2004


The Middle of Everywhere: Helping Refugees Enter the American Community

By Mary Pipher: Harvest Books, 2003


Figuring Foreigners Out

By Craig Storti: Intercultural Press, 1998


Preparing to Volunteer: Confronting Your Comfort Zone


How Can We Support Our Afghan Neighbors?